This November, I think our country has a chance to shed its cynicism, shed its fear and believe once again that we can make tomorrow better than yesterday. I long for renewal of my faith in the idealistic principles that our country was created from. I believe that Barack Obama can heal this country in a way that John McCain cannot. In a word, Barack Obama gives me Hope.
He gives me hope that he can truly do something to help the squeeze that is on working/middle class Americans. Everyday it feels like I have to make more just to break even. Obama is not a child of privilege. Although he may not have to worry about his finances now, I'm sure that he remembers what it was like to try to make ends meet.
Barack Obama gives me hope that he can restore America's standing in the world. Our current president and his administration has squandered everything that this country stood for in the world. I think that if the world sees us elect Barack Obama, they will realize that it is our resolve to move on from the failed policies of the last eight years and rebuild.
Most of all, Obama gives me hope that we can heal the divisions in our country like no one else in the last two hundred years of our federal republic. Whether those divisions are racial, economic, political, religious, or whatever else those in power have used as a wedge to drive us apart. I hope that I can show my children that it doesn't matter who you are, we are all in this together and we all can make a difference.
Since his speech at the DNC in 2004, I have held out hope for this person to run for president for the reasons above and many more. I'm happy that he has made it through his party's process to become a presidential nominee. So without a doubt, my vote this November will go towards Barack Obama. I hope yours will as well.
If only that was what Barack Obama stood for. He is one of the left most senators in congress, will flame racial tensions rather than quell them, and most dire of all, will negotiate with terrorists who want to see America's preemininence in the world dwindle and disappear. His stance on Iran is dangerous to say the least, and depending on what he does if he does become President may in fact turn out to be treasonous... A nuclear Iran is something that cannot be allowed, and talking with Ammadinnerjacket isn't going to solve that. It will only give him a bully pulpit from which he can spew his venom against the US and Israel. I pray this does not come to pass, and I will vote against it at all costs.
Bravo, Scott. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you say. When listening to Obama speak, the hair on my arm stands on end. He offers hope after eight years of darkness.
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