Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank You For Meeting Me Half-Way

Four unions have stepped up to the plate so far, and I want to say thank you to them.

JI: Manchester town workers offer to skip raises, saving $350,000
HC: Manchester Town Workers Agree to Forego Wage Hikes

I hope to see the other unions follow the example set by these four. (Ahem... BOE unions, Police, Fire). We are all in this together.

Based on the majority of the opinions I was listening to all night at the budget hearing, most taxpayers are willing to accept a modest tax increase to keep town services at current levels. It appears that the town employees and unions are coming on board to share in our sacrifice. Now it is up to the BOD and BOE to do their part. Do not use these concessions to further reduce my tax increase for this year. Keep services at current levels.

To be absolutely clear on my opinion, I am not endorsing carte blanche any inefficiencies in the system. I always expect to get the best bang for my buck. These are times that bring much needed citizen focus on the "business" of town government.

"The purse of the people is the real seat of sensibility. Let it be drawn upon largely, and they will then listen to truths which could not excite them through any other organ."
~Thomas Jefferson

"I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization."
~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

"Taxes, after all, are dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt

1 comment:

restand said...

As for the"BOE"unions, I belong to one. And we have already gone nearly 10 months without a pay increase. Are we supposed to go another year without one as well starting July 1 2009? Our contract expired June 30 2008. So we are essentially currently working under the fiscal year 2007-2008 contract.Okay I'm willing to go until July 1 of this year (2009)without an increase but if we are asked to go until July 1 2010 our last pay raise will have been July 1 2007. Or 3 years. If we are officially asked to give concessions and knowing the way the BOE thinks, we will not only be asked to forego any increase but also to take furlough days as well. Someone has to draw the line somewhere.

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