Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer "Break"

I have come to enjoy the cycle that the seasons in New England bring. It allows for different activities during the different seasons, while forcing me to take breaks from other activities. With the days getting longer and warmer, I do not want to be spending them in my home office opining about town politics while there are outdoor projects to be done, a lawn to be mowed, Connecticut "Staycations" to be had, a boat to re-finish, fishing to be done, golf to be played, super-soaker wars to fight, Bar-B-Q's with friends to be enjoyed, among many other things.

I will be taking a "break" from the Silk City Independent for the summer, insofar as my posts will be even more infrequent than usual. I will be back in plenty of time for this year's election season. I wouldn't miss the 2009 Manchester elections for all the cheese burgers at Shady Glen. I am sure the partisans in town are already gearing up to make a wonderful spectacle of our local democratic process. In the meantime, I will be keeping an eye on the blogs, boards and headlines, paying attention for the final BOE budget, and checking in from time to time. If you don't want to miss a single post, be sure to add the Silk City Independent to you favorite RSS reader by clicking the link on the top left.

For the meantime, I hope to see you at the Dutch Fogarty fireworks or Cruisin' On Main. Life is too short. Don't take it too seriously and have fun as much as you can get away with.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

DIY stimulus: CEO gives workers $1000 each from his own pocket

DIY stimulus: CEO gives workers $1000 each from his own pocket

Now, if more businesses in the insurance, real estate and banking sector CEOs were like this, maybe we wouldn't be in this huge mess.
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